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QC in AI prompts much ballyhoo, but also holds real applications
Domain knowledge
Fanfare abounds about quantum computing, but this is increasingly justified, especially as QC and AI integrate ever more closely. AI expert Prof Patrick Glauner of Germany’s Deggendorf Institute of Technology describes the current dynamic and forecasts its future course.
Patrick Glauner  |  Nov 24 , 2023
OpenAI’s leadership drama will have far-reaching repercussions
The recent upheaval at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is causing more waves than one might expect from a mere leadership reshuffle. Tech entrepreneur and author Elliot Leavy investigates what this might mean for other tech companies and the future trajectory of AI.
Elliot Leavy  |  Nov 23 , 2023
The Yuan asks: ‘What can governments do to keep AI safe?’
Recent meteoric advances in GenAI fuel fears of an out-of-control juggernaut and calls to rein in the tech before it goes rogue, with barely imaginable consequences. The Yuan will accordingly host a new article series next month themed: What can governments do to ensure safe AI?
Shifeng Wang  |  Nov 22 , 2023
Causal inference is especially important in AI prescribed medical treatments
In this sixth installment of his ongoing series: AI Prediction, AI Prescription and Causation in Medicine, CUNY Data Science Prof Scott Burk explains the concept of causal inference and pinpoints the key reasons for its critical importance in the realm of AI and its applications.
Scott Burk  |  Nov 22 , 2023
The Bletchley Park summit on AI safety deserves two and a half cheers
There was a good deal of scepticism ahead of the summit on AI safety which took place at Bletchley Park earlier this month. Many world leaders decided to stay away, but the doubts about the organisers sticking to their more ambitious goals proved unfounded. For the first time, political leaders have publicly acknowledged the existential risk of advanced AI, and a global conversation is under way.
Calum Chace  |  Nov 21 , 2023
Automated warfare threatens to kill democracy if left unchecked
Wars between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas have far-reaching consequences exacerbated by automation and digitalization. While big defense contractors are benefiting, democracy will lose out without proper safeguards, writes author and entrepreneur Elliot Leavy.
Elliot Leavy  |  Nov 20 , 2023
Humans must stay in the loop as ChatGPT attends med school, upends medicine
ChatGPT is an aid at times, but unreliable in medicine, especially in critical situations. Various issues will vanish as the tech improves, but others will prove more intractable and need human intervention. Dr Jennifer Dunphy, senior VP for a top physician association, explains.
Jennifer Dunphy  |  Nov 17 , 2023
PurpleLab’s Big Data transforms provision of healthcare across the spectrum
PurpleLab is a US healthtech firm that applies Big Data to achieve better provision of healthcare services for its clients. Its CEO Mark Brosso recently sat down with The Yuan to showcase the firm’s latest advances, which are poised to reconfigure the entire healthcare dynamic.
Oladimeji Ewumi  |  Nov 16 , 2023
DL can now be used to automatically classify, segment liver tumors
Automatic DL-based methods for semantic pixel-by-pixel classification and segmentation of liver tumors hold the key to detecting this type of cancer earlier and preventing the worst outcomes. AI and health expert Parisa Naraei conducts a tour of their workings.
Parisa Naraei  |  Nov 15 , 2023
Running and entrepreneurship may seem unrelated, but have many synergies
Runners and entrepreneurs seemingly have little in common, though both pursuits demand persistence, endurance, a willingness to overcome setbacks and shake off inertia, and many other similarities. Radiologist, healthcare exec, and runner Dr Gustavo Meirelles gets us up to speed.
Gustavo Meirelles  |  Nov 14 , 2023
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Janna Lipenkova
Janna Lipenkova
Janna Lipenkova is a computational linguist who speaks seven languages. She heads two companies, Anacode and Equintel, that use AI to deliver cutting-edge business intelligence and guide clients towards smarter decisions, strategy, and execution.
Philip M. Parker
Philip M. Parker
Philip M. Parker is Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and the INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science.His research explores why existing theories governing macroeconomic growth and firm level competition yield unreliable forecasts of actual market outcomes. He introduced the idea that physical sciences should be directly integrated into macroeconomic studies.
Ganes Kesari
Ganes Kesari
Ganes Kesari is an entrepreneur, AI thought leader, author, adjunct professor, and TEDx speaker. He is the founder of Innovation Titan, a data-science thought leadership and advisory firm. He advises executives on data-driven leadership and helps organizations adopt a culture of data for decision-making.
Johannes Walter
Johannes Walter
Johannes Walter is head of department and scientific director of digitalization and digital association development at Diakonie Baden as well as associate professor at IU International University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on AI in healthcare and digital transformation in the social and healthcare sector.
Nikolaj van Omme
Nikolaj van Omme
Nikolaj van Omme is chief executive officer of Funartech, an AI startup that provides creative solutions to complex industrial problems by combining machine learning and applied mathematics. He is a strong proponent of hybrid methods and approaches, in particular the hybridization of machine learning and operations research.
Shanen Boettcher
Shanen Boettcher
Shanen Boettcher is a former General Manager of Microsoft’s Startup Business Group, which oversees the innovation of Microsoft’s core businesses. He also holds a PhD in human-machine communication and AI from the University of St Andrews, and has experience operationalizing strategy, developing global award-winning products, building tools and guidance for high-tech startups at Responsible Innovation Labs, and working as a product strategist for AI21 Labs, a leading artificial intelligence and large language model startup.
Austin Lentsch
Austin Lentsch
Austin Lentsch is a policy fellow at MIT’s Blueprint Labs.
Tonny Huang
Tonny Huang
Manager at Kearney.
Betty Pio
Betty Pio
Partner at Kearney.
Keena Patel-Moran
Keena Patel-Moran
Partner at Kearney.