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The history of The Yuan's Delta Dialog podcast will guide its future path
In this special episode of the Delta Dialog, host Emir Mustafa discusses the origins, purpose, and format of the podcast. The episode does not feature guest speakers but provides an in-depth look at the Delta Dialog itself, the changes to the program format, and the vision for future episodes.
Emir Mustafa Isler  |  Jun  25,  2024
Should AI be Christian-centric, Shinto-centric, or simply multicultural?
Depending on whom one asks, AI might be a source of fear and apprehension, excitement and anticipation, or just indifference. Many of these differences of opinion can be explained by people’s religious and cultural backgrounds, argues AI ethicist Tomoko Mitsuoka.
Tomoko Mitsuoka  |  Jun  19,  2024
AI Impacts describes key points of the 2023 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
Many people are now wondering what the future of AI might look like. To that end, entrepreneur Katja Grace co-founded her startup AI Impacts to investigate possible answers to this question. The Yuan and The London Futurists recently sat down with her to learn more.
Jack Kotin, Ben Armour  |  Jun  18,  2024
When, why is AI to hang in public, and what will then ensue?
With buzzwords like AI whizzing around and pundits everywhere predicting humanity’s imminent demise, it is easy to forget that many other trends have come and gone. The world should instead take a deep breath and put things in perspective, argues thought leader Naseem Javed.
Naseem Javed  |  May  30,  2024
Characters, data, stable power may give China the edge over US in AI stakes
China and the US are locked head-to-head in a struggle for primacy in global AI. Many factors will come to bear in deciding the outcome, but China’s intrinsic advantages in data, energy, and the nature of the Chinese language itself may prove decisive, two The Yuan editors argue.
Xin Zhou, Ben Armour  |  May  23,  2024
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