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AI revolutionizes cervical cancer prevention screening, empowers women’s health
By Michelle Louise Jose  |  Jun 26, 2024
AI revolutionizes cervical cancer prevention screening, empowers women’s health
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Cervical cancer continues to be one of the biggest threats girls and women face, and while a comprehensive cure has not yet been realized, AI is already revolutionizing screening, prevention, and treatment methods, notes NLP and healthtech pharmacist Michelle Louise Jose.

MANILA - In the Philippines, cancer is the third leading cause of death. The country’s Department of Health (DOH) announced in May 2023 that at least 12 Filipino women die daily of cervical cancer, making it the second most frequent cancer affecting women aged 15-44 years old.


In 2019, the Philippine government passed the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA), which aims to prevent cancer and improve cancer survivorship by scaling essential programs and increasing investments in robust prevention of cancer, better screening and optimal treatment, responsive palliative care and pain management, effective survivorship care, and late effects management and rehabilitation. When the pandemic struck, however, the implementation of NICCA was impeded as all efforts were focused on handling the coronavirus during that time. 


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