DELTA DIALOG DELTA DIALOG is a series of discussions and interviews on AI and technology as in its development, usage in different sectors and industries, and how it engages or better said changes the world. Together with experts from diverse industries, the show explores many perspectives regarding AI and technology that has everyday implications around the world.
Jan 18, 2023 Content Partner
Inventing the future of computing, with Alessandro Curioni
Alessandro Curioni, Director of IBM Research, chats with The Yuan about next-level AI - exemplified by ChatGPT, MidJourney and Stable Diffusion - and its awesome future implications. He also draws on his 25-year experience with the tech titan to explain how we got here, and where we’re going in this episode of Delta Dialog, in cooperation with our content partner London Futurists.

Jan 11, 2023 Content Partner
Assessing quantum computing, with Ignacio Cirac
Quantum computing is an enigma. Unlike classical computing, which uses binary digits - bits - that are either on or off, quantum computing uses qubits, which are simultaneously both on and off. Prof Ignacio Cirac, Director of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, discusses how this massively boosts its computational might in this installment of The Yuan’s Delta Dialog, in collaboration with our content partner London Futurists.

Dec 18, 2022 Content Partner
Open Medical Data - The European Strategy: a waste of time or due diligence?
Europe is a top AI player but is also notorious for regulation. This third episode of the Delta Dialog talks Europe’s open medical data and AI. The tech is new, so rules and policy lag. The European Health Data Space, Data Act, GDPR and new AI Act thus all demand major attention.
Further Reading:
- Recent developments in the AI Act and its future timeline
- Rocky road besets Europe’s bid to open medical data
- More data is better? Bias in big datasets impacts ML models

Dec 09, 2022 Content Partner
Open Medical Data - A fairytale or the future?
This second episode of the Delta Dialog deals with a very different perspective on open medical data than the first session, namely the difficulty of the challenges to be overcome. These are data quality, utility of AI within open medical data, policy, funding, and human capital.
Further Reading:
- Open access: independent testing, incentives are needed for high-quality data
- AI’s Slow Adoption Jibes With Former Failures
- AI Startups Are Doing Poorly, as Is AI Overall

Nov 22, 2022 Content Partner
Open Medical Data - What is it and how does it work?
Delta Dialog is The Yuan’s brand new podcast series, and its first topic of conversation is open medical data. Medicine is a very important topic in today’s society and AI and data play a very big role in many of the processes applied within the industry, from micro to macro levels.
Further Reading:
- Education is key to opening Africa’s medical data
- Why AI? Implications for the Healthcare Industry
- A day in the life of Patricia in 2045

Host and editor
Emir Mustafa Isler
David Wood
Social media editor
Yixin Sui
Art director
Xiaoyan Xu
Schedule planner
Kim Taylor
Technical support
Yibiao Peng
Shifeng Wang
Media support