Marcus Ranney
Marcus Ranney
Contributor, The Yuan

Marcus Ranney is a business professional in healthcare and technology. He works within the healthcare and life-sciences industry as a strategic advisor, investor, and operator for a range of multi-national companies and national bellwether firms.

Proper AI policy can achieve an equitable future for India’s healthcare
Mumbai was an entrepôt millennia ago for Indian trade with Persia and Egypt. The Portuguese named it Bom Bahia - Good Bay - Anglicized as Bombay. Dr Marcus Ranney guides The Yuan in this finance hub on day 12 of our voyage to show how AI is providing many Indians with healthcare.
Marcus Ranney  |  Jul 04, 2023
AI brings a longer, healthier tomorrow to many
When AI’s abilities and potential come to mind, often it is robotics, advanced technology, and headline-grabbing models like ChatGPT that glean most attention, as well as worries over AI stealing jobs, but AI’s role in improving health and extending lifespans is more consequential and - literally - life changing.
Marcus Ranney  |  Mar 30, 2023
The Yuan 2023: AI holds the ‘answer’ to balancing longevity and aging
The Yuan AI 2023
In the coming years, the world must grapple with the effects of an aging population, all while coming up with ways to make healthcare more accessible and affordable, with an equal focus on prevention and treatment. Thanks in part to the pandemic, seniors are now also becoming more tech-savvy, offering hope that the world can indeed balance an aging population with longer lifespans and help people stay healthier longer.
Marcus Ranney  |  Dec 28, 2022
Revolutionizing diabetes care: AI interventions make for more precise patient management
Diabetes has long been difficult to manage, especially in rich countries but increasingly in developing countries as well. Whether or not one thinks this non-communicable disease should be treated as epidemic or as a lifestyle-related disease, it must be dealt with urgently, though fortunately AI is helping with personalized and effective treatments.
Marcus Ranney  |  Aug 22, 2022
AI gears up for future pandemics
Despite the global devastation and disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation might have been even worse without the help of AI. As the technology continues to grow and develop, it will also undoubtedly prove its worth in public health efforts to prevent potential pandemics, as well as in easing outbreaks that cannot be prevented or contained as easily.
Marcus Ranney  |  Jul 11, 2022
Combating Climate Change With AI
With the loss of major parts of the Amazon rainforest, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and last year’s bushfires in Australia, it is evidently clear we have reached the tipping point in climate change. Dr Marcus Ranney delves into climate change and discusses the AI tools needed to fix it.
Marcus Ranney  |  Mar 07, 2022
Medical Education Must Accommodate AI
Domain knowledge
Dr Marcus Ranney discusses the transition from artificial intelligence 'knowledge acquisition' to 'knowledge management' to solve multidimensional problems, provide greater classification accuracy, and establish strong relationships between variables to save the healthcare sector much valuable time, and money.
Marcus Ranney  |  Nov 16, 2021
AI-ding Healthcare in India
From a shortage of equipment to a shortage of medicines to a shortage of healthcare professionals, the healthcare system in India has been strained for a long time. But thanks to a dozen or so innovative AI health apps the burden is being lifted.
Marcus Ranney  |  Oct 13, 2021
Decoding India’s Policy in AI Healthcare
India may have been late to the AI party, but it is fast catching up with a series of government backed initiatives. Dr Marcus Ranney explores India’s national strategy for healthcare.
Marcus Ranney  |  Oct 11, 2021
The Use of AI in COVID-19 Diagnosis - An Indian Perspective
Emerging markets
India’s healthcare was in dire straits even before COVID-19, with an estimated shortage of 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses, per a 2019 study. Medical costs push 57 million people into poverty each year, but Artificial Intelligence (AI) is providing hope to the nation in COVID-19 surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment, i.e., the entire cycle from prevention and diagnosis to cure.
Marcus Ranney  |  Aug 06, 2021
How AI Can Transform Healthcare in Rural India
AI is set to revolutionize poorer countries the most. It has already drastically bettered the service and delivery of healthcare services n richer nations. Yet where it could revolutionize rather than merely better it are parts of the world with bad medical infrastructure, like rural India.
Marcus Ranney  |  Jul 05, 2021