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Writing, editing AI-related content comes with many challenges
By Emir Mustafa Isler  |  Jul 09, 2024
Writing, editing AI-related content comes with many challenges
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This episode of the Delta Dialog examines the challenges and opportunities of writing and editing AI-related content, the intersection of AI and linguistics, and ethical considerations in AI research from the perspective of Jack Kotin, one of The Yuan's editors..

AMSTERDAM - Many details are often overlooked when reading content related to artificial intelligence (AI), and The Yuan editor Jack Kotin mentions some of the challenges he faces when editing AI articles, particularly those related to healthcare. He emphasizes the complexity of AI topics and the need to make these articles accessible to a broader audience while maintaining technical accuracy. Balancing technical details with readability for non-experts is a critical aspect of his editorial work.

The conversation then shifts to the impact of AI on linguistics, focusing on AI's role in translation and natural language processing. Jack shares his personal experience using translation tools during a visit to Vietnam, noting both their benefits and limitations. He argues that while translation software is helpful for basic communication, it cannot replace the deeper cultural understanding that comes with learning a language.

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