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The Yuan contributor Ivana Bartoletti vows women’s rights in AI at UN
By Ivana Bartoletti  |  Mar 22, 2024
The Yuan contributor Ivana Bartoletti vows women’s rights in AI at UN
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The Yuan’s contributor Ivana Bartoletti yesterday told the UN Women Assembly that, as AI increasingly fuels our societies, stronger links between privacy and equality must tackle the widening digital divide. The UN passed the first global AI resolution the same day. Her speech appears below.

NEW YORK - It is a great honor to be with you here today. Thank you. 

I want to talk about privacy as it relates to women and the role of Artificial Intelligence. Privacy, women and AI. 

Privacy has always been a double-edged sword for women. Its definition is rooted in the private-public dichotomy, which has historically overlapped with the gender divide, with men occupying the public space and women relegated to the private sphere of the home. 

However, women have long questioned, and are successfully dismantling, this private/public boundary. For women, private is not always good. Think of the long battles to get domestic abuse recognized as a crime. Think of other battles, still ongoing, around our reproductive rights, around menopause and childcare. In a sense, private areas - and yet, areas that cry out for strong public policies.

Debating and redefining the boundary between what should be public and private does not mean we abandon the protection of the individual. Quite the opposite. Why? Technology and, more precisely, the ubiquity of data collection. 

Personal data is now collected at almost every moment of our lives, whether we are working or in our "free" time, shopping, browsing, traveling. 

The availability of data, plus a staggering increase in computational power in a few short years, have unleashed what we call the Fourth Industrial Revolution, fueled by AI. 

And while AI has brought about many benefits, such as increased productivity and personalized healthcare, it has also too often compounded existing injuries to women, including inequality, exclusion, and bias. 

Women are often more vulnerable to privacy violations, particu

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