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AI brings science ever closer to the elusive seat of consciousness
By Nemanja Kovačev  |  Apr 04, 2024
AI brings science ever closer to the elusive seat of consciousness
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Long dismissed as a mere abstraction, mounting evidence shows consciousness might actually nest within the convolutions of the physical brain. Surgeon and AI healthcare specialist Nemanja Kovacev lights the way through the most complex system known to science in quest of answers.

NOVI SAD, SERBIA - Scientists and philosophers have sought for centuries to pinpoint the location within the human brain where consciousness resides.

Delving into the complexities of cognition and the neural underpinnings of consciousness are formidable undertakings, but ones that have spurred investigations spanning multiple fields of study. The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroscience is injecting a fresh burst of optimism into the pursuit of unraveling the enigmatic nature of consciousness and illuminating its elusive essence. This burgeoning interdisciplinary approach promises to further elucidate the mechanisms that underlie consciousness, offering a potential pathway toward a deeper comprehension of the mind-brain relationship.

Current considerations

While some believe the cerebral cortex is the repository of consciousness in general, the role of specific brain regions in generating consciousness is an area of particular interest. One of these is the claustrum - a small, densely connected structure set beneath the neocortex - which is likely to be the seat of consciousness as it is deemed a multi-modal information processing network of pathways that may be underlie various aspects of conscious awareness. The actual mechanism that spawns consciousness is likely more complex, however, with the main uncertainty being which parts of the brain perform which precise functions in this mechanism.

Where does AI come in?

Advancements in AI and its subset machine learning (ML) have ushered in a new era for neuroscientific research, equipping scientists with formidable tools to navigate the complexities of neural data and unearth hidden insights into the riddle of consciousness. ML algorithms act as powerful assistants able to par

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