Matthew Marcetich
Matthew Marcetich
Contributor, The Yuan

Matthew Marcetich works in medical research and analytics consulting and is the author of Data Pulse: A Brief Tour of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. His research supports the development of molecular diagnostics, use and development of enterprise open-source biobanking software, as well as the development and deployment of custom analytics software.

UK and US AI regulatory frameworks precede AI safety summit, impact healthcare
Both the UK and US governments published AI regulatory frameworks ahead of the first-ever AI Safety Summit hosted at Bletchley Park in November 2023. The two frameworks are both organized by five similar principles, and by comparing them AI developers will be better equipped to create AI tools designed for use in both UK and US settings.
Matthew Marcetich  |  Feb 26, 2024
Sepsis and machine learning-driven clinical decision support tools
Domain knowledge
ML may augment clinical support for potentially deadly immune reactions due to sepsis. To devise, test, and implement clinical support tools in clinical practice is arduous, but common denominators from successful use may apply to other severe conditions. Medical and analytics researcher Matthew Marcetich reports.
Matthew Marcetich  |  Sep 29, 2023