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Will AI one day become conscious or sentient? Nicholas Humphrey weighs in
By Jack Kotin, Ben Armour  |  Jun 11, 2024
Will AI one day become conscious or sentient? Nicholas Humphrey weighs in
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The Yuan and the London Futurist recently sat down with Nicholas Humphrey, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the London School of Economics and Bye Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge. His latest book, Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness explores the emergence and role of consciousness from various perspectives.

LONDON - Prof Nicholas Humphrey’s book draws together insights from the more than 50 years Humphrey has been studying the evolution of intelligence and consciousness. He was the first person to demonstrate the existence of ‘blindsight’ after brain damage in monkeys, studied mountain gorillas with American primatologist and conservationist Dian Fossey in Rwanda, originated the theory of the ‘social function of intellect,’ and has investigated the evolutionary background of religion, art, healing, death-awareness, and suicide. Among his other awards are the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize, the Pufendorf Medal, and the International Mind and Brain Prize.
The conversation starts with some reflections on the differences between Humphrey’s views and those of his long-time philosophical friend Daniel Dennett, who died shortly before this interview took place.


Nick, what should our audience know about you?

I made myself a promise back in 1965

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