Koen Dewettinck
Koen Dewettinck
Contributor, The Yuan

Koen Dewettinck is a Professor of HRM and Partner at Vlerick Business School. He’s also the CEO of the Great Place to Work© Institute in Belgium.  He is an expert in strategic human resources management, performance management and organisational culture. Koen is the head of Vlerick’s Strategic Talent Management Centre, which examines every aspect of employee development and performance to optimise management practices.

AI might seem like HR’s savior, but it can also be a saboteur
Companies increasingly rely on AI to recruit and hire new talent, and the tech might soon be used to decide which employees to fire too. At first glance, this seems good because it reduces workloads for HR employees, but it is also controversial, writes Prof Koen Dewettinck.
Koen Dewettinck  |  May 22, 2024