Dani Rodrik
Dani Rodrik
Contributor, The Yuan

Dani Rodrik, Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, is President of the International Economic Association and the author of Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy (Princeton University Press, 2017). 

Knowledge benefits everyone, but knowledge mismatches are problematic
Knowledge is essential to any functioning society, as it empowers people, creates jobs, and drives economic development. However, knowledge only goes so far as the context in which it is used, and mismatches can greatly reduce its usefulness and the value it creates.
Dani Rodrik  |  May 02, 2023
Bending the Arc of Technology to Meet Society's Needs
Turkish economist Dani Rodrik argues that bending the arc of technology to society’s needs should be a priority for reorienting global innovation in a more labor-friendly direction to benefit developing countries and advanced economies alike.
Dani Rodrik  |  Mar 24, 2022