Xin Zhou
Xin Zhou
Contributor, The Yuan

Zhou Xin is one of China’s most distinguished journalists, formerly one of the founders of Yicai Global; Chief Hong Kong correspondent for Shanghai TV; a business editor with CBN, and associate editor-in-chief of Caixin Media.

Characters, data, stable power may give China the edge over US in AI stakes
China and the US are locked head-to-head in a struggle for primacy in global AI. Many factors will come to bear in deciding the outcome, but China’s intrinsic advantages in data, energy, and the nature of the Chinese language itself may prove decisive, two The Yuan editors argue.
Xin Zhou, Ben Armour  |  May 23, 2024
AI WWI raging in Ukraine will by no means be the last
The use of AI is burgeoning in armed conflicts great and small all around the world, but most notably nowadays in Ukraine. Although still subject to technical limits, the tech looks set to soon transcend these, as warfare once again proves to be the real ‘mother of invention.’
Xin Zhou, Ben Armour  |  May 16, 2024
Warren Buffett strikes a gloomy note over AI at his company’s annual confab
Emerging markets
Warren Buffett, the éminence grise of investment, took the occasion of his company shareholders’ meeting to air his views on AI - part upbeat and part desponding. Though concededly no AI maven, Buffet’s remarks made waves nonetheless as he voiced his hopes and fears for the tech.
Xin Zhou, Ben Armour  |  May 09, 2024