Latest stories
GenAI is by its very nature a copyright despoiler, plagiarist
OpenAI recently informed the UK government its ChatGPT cannot function if it observes copyright laws. Telling ChatGPT and other GenAI to respect IP is almost like telling a cat not to chase pigeons, argues financial crime risk and compliance specialist Nigel Morris-Cotterill.
Nigel Morris-Cotterill  |  Jan 30 , 2024
The AI revolution is creating new possibilities in climate science
AI is transforming the world’s weather forecasting systems, helping scientists better understand Earth and giving them access to new tools for the world’s fight against climate change, says Giulio Boccaletti, Scientific Director of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.
Giulio Boccaletti  |  Jan 29 , 2024
Preventing AI nuclear Armageddon is one of today’s greatest challenges
In today’s fraught geopolitical climate, AI’s impact on nuclear weapons systems shows that new safeguards are needed, argues Melissa Parke, former Australian minister for international development and Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
Melissa Parke  |  Jan 26 , 2024
The Yuan’s Governments4AI webinar urges governments to close Pandora’s box
As the world confronts the specter of the unbridled rise of AI, global AI community The Yuan ran its Governments4AI webinar yesterday, calling on authorities everywhere to unite their forces to formulate and impose commonsensical, measured restraints on AI development.
Ben Armour  |  Jan 25 , 2024
AI activates neuroscience to map the brain’s terra incognita
Brain science
One of the most consequential developments taking place today is the AI-driven transformation of neuroscience, which is helping medical professionals uncover new insights and discover more about neural structures and the brain, as Harvard Med Fellow Rohit Agrawal, MD, elaborates.
Rohitashva Agrawal  |  Jan 25 , 2024
Four combos of ML-based predictive, prescriptive analytics optimize results
Domain knowledge
Mixing ML with operations research maximizes the power of both while offsetting their weaknesses. Nikolaj van Omme, CEO of AI startup Funartech, which blends ML and applied math to solve complex problems, gives the lowdown in this second in a series on new ways of making AI work.
Nikolaj van Omme  |  Jan 24 , 2024
A case study of failure shows the difficulty of adopting AI in healthcare
Success stories abound about the adoption of AI in healthcare and other domains, yet failures may prove even more instructive as governments, companies, and persons seek to navigate the age of AI. AI and ML expert Moein Shariatnia shines the spotlight on one such cautionary tale.
Moein Shariatnia  |  Jan 23 , 2024
STARVar diagnoses rare diseases with AI-powered variant prioritization
New era
Diagnosing rare diseases has always been tricky, but a new AI tool known as STARVar promises to ease their identification. Martina Rossi, an expert on the potential of gene therapy as a targeted and personalized approach to treating rare diseases, explains how it all pans out.
Martina Rossi  |  Jan 22 , 2024
ML is highly adept at predicting gene expression
Domain knowledge
Gene expression is the process through which information inscribed into a gene is converted into a function. ML genetic and healthcare data specialist Dr Sara Moein relates how ML accurately predicts target genes from landmark ones and states the implications of this in medicine.
Sara Moein  |  Jan 19 , 2024
Mental healthcare is in the midst of an AI-induced metamorphosis
Brain science
AI is upending mental healthcare - from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and management - particularly among youngsters. Cambridge University Science Communicator Simone Castello, a former BBC journalist, ticks off the apps and their makers that are ringing in these changes.
Simone Castello  |  Jan 18 , 2024
Community More+
Nicholas Humphrey
Nicholas Humphrey
Nicholas Humphrey is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the London School of Economics and Bye Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge. He studies the evolution of intelligence and consciousness.
Robert Skidelsky
Robert Skidelsky
Robert Skidelsky, a member of the British House of Lords, is Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University. He is the author of an award-winning biography of John Maynard Keynes and The Machine Age: An Idea, a History, a Warning (Allen Lane, 2023).
Alina Tudorache
Alina Tudorache
Top 100 Blockchain Thought Leaders and Influencers.
Mario Rodriguez
Mario Rodriguez
Mario Rodriguez’s expertise in software engineering ranges from aeronautics, robotics, computer vision, 3D technologies, VFX and AI to VR. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Tokyo.
Emir Mustafa Isler
Emir Mustafa Isler
Emir Mustafa Isler is the host for the Delta Dialog as well as a consultant, editor and recently an MBA student. He’s graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with honors and has founded his own consultancy firm in Shanghai. He is proficient in the fields of Finance, Technology and Social Sciences and is currently based in Turkey.
Xin Zhou
Xin Zhou
Zhou Xin is one of China’s most distinguished journalists, formerly one of the founders of Yicai Global; Chief Hong Kong correspondent for Shanghai TV; a business editor with CBN, and associate editor-in-chief of Caixin Media.
Timo Vuori
Timo Vuori
Timo Vuori is professor of strategy at Aalto University. His research focuses on change management and the role of emotional intelligence. He developed the online programme, Essentials of Emotional Intelligence, for Aalto University Executive Education and Professional Development.
Tomoko Mitsuoka
Tomoko Mitsuoka
Tomoko Mitsuoka is a member of The Global AI Ethics Institute in Paris. As the Japan expert, she actively engages in discussions about Japanese society, AI ethics, responsible AI and the need to educate everyone in order to create an AI-literate society.
Vilas Dhar
Vilas Dhar
Vilas Dhar is President of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation.
Yolanda Botti-Lodovico
Yolanda Botti-Lodovico
Yolanda Botti-Lodovico is Policy and Advocacy Lead for the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation.