Andrii Buvailo
Andrii Buvailo
Contributor, The Yuan

Andrii Buvailo is a pharmaceutical industry analyst focusing on emerging market opportunities and the future of biotech and drug discovery. He is co-founder and director of life science portal and co-founder of Deep Pharma Intelligence, a leading analytical agency and advisory boutique.

Future technology director reveals her vision for US biotech’s course ahead
New era
Director of Future Technology Platforms at US NGO think tank the Special Competitive Studies Project Abigail Kukura sat for an exclusive interview with The Yuan’s Andrii Buvailo - pharma analyst and co-founder - and read her auguries for US biotech’s hereafter.
Andrii Buvailo  |  Oct 26, 2023
AI supercharges biomarker-driven clinical trials, raises accuracy, success
Clinical trials are key in testing new treatments and their suitability for widespread use. AI is already making drug discovery cheaper and more efficient, and is now boosting clinical trials’ success. Pharma analyst and co-founder Andrii Buvailo reports.
Andrii Buvailo  |  Sep 20, 2023
How AI Impacts Pharma
When it comes to the identification, testing, and clinical trials of new drug candidates, AI has an important role to play not only by making this process more efficient and cost-effective, but also able to produce entirely new innovations and discoveries that would not otherwise be possible. How close are we to realizing a sci-fi future where super-drugs are discovered, invented, tested, replicated, and brought to market entirely by AI?
Andrii Buvailo  |  Apr 11, 2022