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Posos and Microsoft transform prescriptions with Dragon speech recognition
By Oladimeji Ewumi  |  Oct 28, 2024
Posos and Microsoft transform prescriptions with Dragon speech recognition
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Posos, an AI startup in the medical field, is looking to make healthcare more efficient and effective for both clinicians and patients, saving time and expenses for all. To that end, it is using Microsoft’s speech recognition technology to power innovation and deliver results.

LISBON - Posos, a MedTech company and AI scale-up focused on AI-assisted medication prescriptions, is partnering with Microsoft's speech recognition technology - the Dragon voice assistant, which is built on Microsoft Azure - to enable healthcare professionals worldwide to prescribe medications by voice within their existing software. This integration of Dragon’s medical speech capabilities into the Posos platform offers instant treatment recommendations tailored to individual patients’ unique profiles. A recent study revealed that even prescribing a medication as simple as Tylenol requires up to 62 clicks and results in up to 30 percent input errors - an unsatisfactory status quo. This new AI-themed international standard for prescribing is revolutionizing the process, transforming it from a time-consuming and error-prone task into an automated and secure system. In an interview, Yuan contributor Oladimeji Ewumi discussed these trends with Emmanuel Bilbault, president and co-founder of Posos.


The Yuan: How does integrating Posos with Microsoft's Dragon voice assistant address the inefficiencies and error rates of traditional prescription processes?

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