DELTA DIALOG DELTA DIALOG is a series of discussions and interviews on AI and technology as in its development, usage in different sectors and industries, and how it engages or better said changes the world. Together with experts from diverse industries, the show explores many perspectives regarding AI and technology that has everyday implications around the world.
Oct 06, 2023 Content Partner
Generative AI, cybercrime, and scamability, with Stacey Edmonds
One of the short-term concerns raised by artificial intelligence is cybercrime. Cybercrime didn’t start with AI, of course, but it is already being aggravated by AI, and will become more so.

Oct 02, 2023 Content Partner
Catalyst or Conundrum - with Nigel Morris-Cotterill and David Wood
How is the widespread adoption of AI influencing financial crime? Is it empowering fraudsters or enhancing risk management and regulatory compliance? Today’s episode on the Delta Dialog tries to explore AI's Impact on Financial Crime, Risk, and Regulations.
Further Reading:
- AI crime prevention tiptoes between enforcement, racism
- Life and crime in the metaverse: Trust, trustless, and zero trust
- Cutting edge technology is driving financial savings for AI in healthcare

Sep 14, 2023 Content Partner
Longevity Summit Dublin: four new mini-interviews
This episode consists of a number of short interviews recorded at the Longevity Summit Dublin between 17th and 20th August, featuring a variety of different speakers from the Summit.

Sep 07, 2023 Content Partner
Horizons of AI: Personal assistants - with Satyen K. Bordoloi and David Wood
Unveiling the AI frontier with a focus on personal assistants, this episode navigates the ethical intricacies they bring and the shifting career dynamics in an increasingly AI-powered world. Join us as we delve into the expanding role of AI in daily life.
Further Reading:
- Federated learning includes democratized and personalized AI with privacy by design
- The next trillion-dollar business: personal AI assistants - part 2
- The next trillion-dollar business: personal AI assistants - part 3

Aug 31, 2023 Content Partner
From abacus to singularity: AI’s boundless potential - with Satyen K. Bordoloi and David Wood
Exploring the transformation of AI's capabilities, from a humble abacus metaphor to the brink of singularity. Satyen Bordoloi delves into ethical obligations guiding tech pioneers in shaping AI's destiny.
Further Reading:
- AI will never outwit humans because it is no ‘smarter’ than an abacus is
- Cognitive Computing, the Final Frontier in Full Adoption of Medical AI
- Poorer Nations Can Benefit Medical AI Companies

Aug 24, 2023 Content Partner
Data democracy - with Bart de Witte and David Wood
In today’s episode of the Delta Dialog podcast we discuss data democracy as it empowers individuals by ensuring that data ownership and access are decentralized, enabling everyone to have a say in its use. This equitable distribution fosters innovation, transparency, and inclusivity, shaping a future where data-driven insights benefit society as a whole.
Further Reading:
- The Democratization of Medical AI
- Data handling is a key but often overlooked part of governance
- Daron Acemoglu talks cracks in democracy's economic base with The Yuan

Aug 18, 2023 Content Partner
The power of Open-Source AI - with Bart de Witte and David Wood
Meet Bart de Witte, CEO of HIPPO AI Foundation, as he navigates the realm of open-source AI and its potential in healthcare. Discover how data ownership, regenerative AI, and community benefits intertwine in today’s episode of the Delta Dialog podcast.
Further Reading:
- Democratizing medical AI together: Is IP really protecting innovation?
- The power of love
- The Democratization of Medical AI

Aug 10, 2023 Content Partner
What's new in longevity, with Martin O'Dea
Our guest in this episode is Martin O'Dea. As the CEO of Longevity Events Limited, Martin is the principal organiser of the annual Longevity Summit Dublin. In a past life, Martin lectured on business strategy at Dublin Business School. He has been keeping a close eye on the longevity space for more than ten years, and is well placed to speak about how the field is changing.

Aug 03, 2023 Content Partner
Investing in AI, with John Cassidy
Our topic in this episode is investing in AI, so we're delighted to have as our guest John Cassidy, a Partner at Kindred Capital, a UK-based venture capital firm. Before he became an investment professional, John co-founded, a precision oncology company which exited to Dante Labs in 2019.

Host and editor
Emir Mustafa Isler
David Wood
Social media editor
Yixin Sui
Art director
Xiaoyan Xu
Schedule planner
Kim Taylor
Technical support
Yibiao Peng
Shifeng Wang
Media support