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Humanity must navigate a future of freedom versus control in the age of AI
New era
As the AI epoch advances, humans face a stark choice and must seek to strike the right balance between freedom and control by the entrenched Big Tech elites, counsels Bart de Witte, an expert on digital transformation in healthcare and founder of Berlin-based non-profit HIPPO AI.
Bart de Witte  |  Mar 29 , 2024
Can AI deliver long-awaited breakthroughs in assessing stroke risk?
Domain knowledge
Medical professionals toil hard to gauge stroke risk among aging populations earlier and more accurately. Incremental improvements have come, but big breakthroughs remain elusive as lack of access to care and AI jitters thwart efforts, as Harvard Med Fellow Rohit Agrawal, MD, MPH explains.
Rohitashva Agrawal  |  Mar 28 , 2024
Lawyers using AI almost sounds like a joke, but arouses growing concerns
US lawyers are increasingly landing in hot water for using GenAI in their practice. Attorney, professor, and AI expert Eran Kahana examines the reasons for this, the lessons to be learned, and the impacts it exerts on ethics, malpractice, and professional responsibility.
Eran Kahana  |  Mar 27 , 2024
Rapid rise of CRISPR gene editing is revolutionizing a myriad of fields
CRISPR is a keen gene editing and engineering tool that won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. While undoubtedly upending this field, its uses do not stop there. Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences researcher Shipra Asthana gives an overview of its applications.
Shipra Asthana  |  Mar 26 , 2024
Google shelved its Gemini AI image app after it tried to rewrite history
Google put the brakes on its Gemini AI image tool for generating “inaccurate images of historical figures.” An attempt to avoid reproducing toxic stereotypes - a common issue with image generation tools - led Gemini to commit the even worse offense of writing revisionist history.
Jurgen Gravestein  |  Mar 25 , 2024
The Yuan contributor Ivana Bartoletti vows women’s rights in AI at UN
The Yuan’s contributor Ivana Bartoletti yesterday told the UN Women Assembly that, as AI increasingly fuels our societies, stronger links between privacy and equality must tackle the widening digital divide. The UN passed the first global AI resolution the same day. Her speech appears below.
Ivana Bartoletti  |  Mar 22 , 2024
5G-driven AI, ML forecast traffic snarls within an ever-expanding range
Domain knowledge
AI, ML, and 5G are allying to achieve breakthroughs in traffic pattern management, easing congestion, and making highways everywhere safer, smarter, and more efficient. Purva Joshi, a PhD candidate in Healthtech at the University of Pisa, gives the green light to future mobility.
Purva Joshi  |  Mar 22 , 2024
Infotainment systems for voice-controlled cars represent a big step forward
Alexa and Siri are well-known voice assistants but deliver mixed results. Similar technology is now going a step further to create smarter car infotainment systems, with AI researcher and tech expert Parisa Naraei shedding light on the specific methodology involved.
Parisa Naraei  |  Mar 21 , 2024
Q-learning strategies optimize healthcare decision-making, asset deployment
The Q-learning technique is an ML approach that allows AI algorithms to learn and improve over time. This self-learning has many applications, from finance to healthcare, and promises significant improvement in how AI and ML operate. AI engineer Douglas Amante shows us the ropes.
Douglas Amante  |  Mar 20 , 2024
AI is overhauling the workplace in ways both promising and unsettling
From automating time-consuming, repetitive tasks to driving pioneering innovation, AI is reshaping the labor market, offering huge opportunities and presenting challenges. Will AI steal jobs and make humans redundant, or foster a better work-life balance and deliver inclusivity?
Simone Castello  |  Mar 19 , 2024
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Janna Lipenkova
Janna Lipenkova
Janna Lipenkova is a computational linguist who speaks seven languages. She heads two companies, Anacode and Equintel, that use AI to deliver cutting-edge business intelligence and guide clients towards smarter decisions, strategy, and execution.
Philip M. Parker
Philip M. Parker
Philip M. Parker is Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and the INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science.His research explores why existing theories governing macroeconomic growth and firm level competition yield unreliable forecasts of actual market outcomes. He introduced the idea that physical sciences should be directly integrated into macroeconomic studies.
Ganes Kesari
Ganes Kesari
Ganes Kesari is an entrepreneur, AI thought leader, author, adjunct professor, and TEDx speaker. He is the founder of Innovation Titan, a data-science thought leadership and advisory firm. He advises executives on data-driven leadership and helps organizations adopt a culture of data for decision-making.
Johannes Walter
Johannes Walter
Johannes Walter is head of department and scientific director of digitalization and digital association development at Diakonie Baden as well as associate professor at IU International University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on AI in healthcare and digital transformation in the social and healthcare sector.
Nikolaj van Omme
Nikolaj van Omme
Nikolaj van Omme is chief executive officer of Funartech, an AI startup that provides creative solutions to complex industrial problems by combining machine learning and applied mathematics. He is a strong proponent of hybrid methods and approaches, in particular the hybridization of machine learning and operations research.
Shanen Boettcher
Shanen Boettcher
Shanen Boettcher is a former General Manager of Microsoft’s Startup Business Group, which oversees the innovation of Microsoft’s core businesses. He also holds a PhD in human-machine communication and AI from the University of St Andrews, and has experience operationalizing strategy, developing global award-winning products, building tools and guidance for high-tech startups at Responsible Innovation Labs, and working as a product strategist for AI21 Labs, a leading artificial intelligence and large language model startup.
Austin Lentsch
Austin Lentsch
Austin Lentsch is a policy fellow at MIT’s Blueprint Labs.
Tonny Huang
Tonny Huang
Manager at Kearney.
Betty Pio
Betty Pio
Partner at Kearney.
Keena Patel-Moran
Keena Patel-Moran
Partner at Kearney.